Saturday, December 21, 2013

a really long post about my stance on homosexuality and christianity, that i know everyone is dying to read.

It seems like the only time I come to write in this thing anymore is when I have a crazy long rant, (or a burden) and I just can't deal to even write about it on Facebook.

 Lately, I can barely read my Facebook newsfeed or  articles without feeling sick or angry, because the things people are saying are so incredibly mean. And it really doesn't matter how mean it is, if its leaned to the "side we agree with" whether Christian or Anti-Christian, its going to get likes, or people whooping and saying how proud they are of them standing up for what they believe in. 

I am a sinner. I sin all the time. Why am I not blasted for it in the media or turned away from the church doors? Is it because I'm not gay and my sins "aren't quite as bad", or aren't making you quite as uncomfortable? The last time I checked all sins are equal, but it sure doesn't seem like other sin problems are getting the hate and judgement that it's getting, and I'm so over it.  
Freedom of speech? Sure, we have it. But saying mean and hateful things aren't making any kind of positive impact. We could be making such a difference, but instead we "love the sinner and hate the sin" which is a fancier, nicer way of saying we don't really want anything to do with you, but out of biblical obligation I love you. People are leaving Christianity by the droves....and why? Jesus is supposed to equal love. But all people can see is hate and hypocrisy...and how is that any different from anything/one else?

Comparing an alcoholic or drug user to a homosexual and also that your wife's brother's son is gay and he's your friend is not making the rest of what you are saying any less cruel. Struggling alcoholics and  addicts are widely accepted and aren't questioned about their status as a Christian. But the minute a church starts opening the doors to homosexuals people start getting crazy. We can accept ex-pastors (and we should accept them!) who have affairs, ruin marriages, and shake up a church body or steal money from their congregation, but yet we can't accept letting someone who feels different into our building, which is where they need to be in the first place? Why are we so hypocritical and conditional with our acceptance and judgements? If the Bible were written in current times, I truly believe many of us would be shocked to see where Jesus would be. Instead of coming to eat lunch at my table, I think he would be out comforting all of those I've made feel inferior to the point of suicidal thoughts and worthlessness with my passing judgements. I also think many times I would have been grouped with the Pharisees instead of the true followers of Christ.  

Yes, we are also being attacked daily, and its just as unfair, but so many lost people are ending their lives because instead of loving them where they are, we are shaming them and hating them and making them feel like outsiders....and they don't have the hope of Jesus, or the guarantee of Heaven after its said and done. Many of the disciples lost their lives preaching and teaching Christianity when like now, it was widely unpopular and constantly slandered. Likewise if we truly believe what we profess to believe, then it doesn't matter what anything or anyone says about us, because we know where we are going and that no matter what lies are spewed, Jesus is the same, always.

I've been battling for years, and even questioning my faith, because I haven't been able to accept the fact that saying something mean in Jesus' name is okay. I've felt like I wasn't a good Christian because I was ashamed to read the articles and statuses that were saying awful, ignorant things about some of my close friends, without knowing what they are truly going through. I've felt like I wasn't a real "Christian" because I was angry when reading these things and knowing these things are what's keeping my friends from believing and accepting Jesus for themselves. Even church, something that used to be so refreshing and vital, has become less enjoyable and obligatory. If I wasn't fortunate enough to have the positive influences in my life, and know that many "public christians" aren't a true representation, I'm not sure that I would be a follower of Christ today.

Starting now, I refuse to believe these things anymore. I believe in Jesus. I believe that he died on the cross for the sins of the entire world no matter how "big or little" those sins may be. My faith and my beliefs are 100% my own, and no one else's. I believe the importance of sharing Jesus' unconditional love and forgiveness, over sharing my own intolerance. I believe that I can have a different opinion or belief about something, but still be loving and kind.  I am thankful that no matter the mistakes, the bad choices, or the sin, I am loved by the King. Nothing I do can change that, and most importantly that's what I want to spread.

 There will be times, when you are the only Christian that someone has been around, and as scary as that is, its such a reminder that the things we say, the way we act, and the way we treat others is so very important. 

We should defend our faith, and we have the freedom to do so, but we are also commanded to love one another.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sweetheart Mix

My wonderful pal Johanna from Texas just started her own blog. Its way better than mine, and I had the pleasure of making a valentine's playlist for it. You should go check it out here! You can also subscribe to it.  Just because its not valentine's anymore doesn't mean you can't still listen to it. Everyone loves love songs! (Don't deny it) Also check out her other posts because she is seriously one of the most creatively talented people I know. :)

Working on a longer post as we speak! So come back soon! :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Just a short Thanksgiving post.

 There are so many things to be thankful for! Life, electricity, running water, a place to live, being raised in a wonderful stable Christian family. I am so very thankful that my family was able to come visit me in Florida and bring Cohen. Being away from them has been rough, especially Cohen. I am thankful for a few days of snuggles and kisses, and that Christmas is just a few weeks away. :) 

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy Birthday.

Many of you reading this have had the pleasure of meeting my Mama Ruth, but for those of you that haven't I just thought I would take this post to tell you about her.

Obviously she was beautiful, but as beautiful as she was outwardly, her inward beauty was so much greater. The only thing that exceeded her love for her family and community was her love for God. She loved to care and love on others. I've never felt more loved or more beautiful than when I was with my Mama Ruth. Some of my happiest memories have been at Mama Ruth's house-playing in her makeup, putting on her jewelry, playing in her magical toy cabinet, pretending to own a restaurant out of the kitchen and office, and climbing trees in her backyard. As clean and tidy as her house was, she always let us play and have the best time. She had an infectious smile, and the best sense of humor. She has been the most memorable and perfect example of what a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, and servant of the Lord should look like. I will cherish the stories she's told me of her childhood and the ones of her and Grandaddy raising my dad and aunt and uncles for the rest of my life, and share them always. 

Happy 85th Birthday Mama Ruth!
I know you are having the best birthday celebration yet :) 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today I am thankful that I live in a country where my voice and opinion matters. Yes, Facebook has gotten completely obnoxious with everyone status vomiting all of their opinions on each candidate and posting pictures and facts that were probably photoshopped and made up. But as annoying as it is, I am so thankful and lucky to live in a place where I am allowed to have that freedom.

I hope EVERYONE (Dems, Reps, Libs (what what!), etc) exercised and took adavantage of their freedom and privilege of voting today. :)

Monday, November 5, 2012


As many of you have seen on Facebook....everyone is going around posting things that they are thankful for each day until Thanksgiving, which I really do think is cool. We all spend way to much time complaining and griping about stupid things on there, so putting and seeing all these positive posts   other than our problems and "woe is me" type things is refreshing. 

I have very lightly written somethings that I am thankful for on Facebook. Mostly my thankfulness for No Shave November (making all men look like lumberjacks) and other really silly things. But I seriously am thankful and reflective of many things this Thanksgiving season. 

I won't even try to say that I will blog one everyday until Thanksgiving, because that is just setting myself up for failure... it is not going to happen. But  I may post something when I get a chance and a desire to do so throughout this month. :) 

Like now for instance....

Being at this internship has taught me many things. Even in the 3 months that I've been here. Something I've been reflecting on and thankful for SO much especially in the last month, are my friendships and family. 

First off, I've had some really amazing friends over the years. Many I have taken for granted...or drifted from, but that I still look back on with really great memories; they are relationships I will always cherish. I know that God has brought every single friendship in my life for a reason. Being so far away from my compadres, I've realized what a gift many of my friendships really are. I've been so blessed to meet and befriend some of the most true and genuine people, and not to mention, the best people to hangout with ever. :)  I've started thanking God daily for the many people He has put in my life, and how much of a blessing they are to me. Even though we may not speak frequently or see each other often (i really need to work on my communication/keeping up with people skills), this is me saying how thankful I am for you, and for loving and accepting me and including me throughout the years. 

Next I want to say how thankful I am for my family. If this last year has taught me anything, its to cherish the time you have with the people you love, especially your family, because they won't always be here. Until this year, I couldn't really say I'd lost anyone close to me, but now, sadly, I am pretty familiar with it. There isn't a day that passes that I don't think about and miss my Poppy, my Granddaddy, and my Mama Ruth. I seriously couldn't ask for a better group of grandparents than what God has given me. The three of them and my Mama Jo have all been apart of so many of my best memories that I will be able to cherish forever. One of my goals for this next year, (I know its a little early), is to spend more time with my friends and family, and really cherish the times we have. I have SUCH an amazing family and I've let really petty things and busy-ness keep me from really understanding and enjoying that time that we do get to spend together, we really are blessed. We are full of love and laughter and anytime we get together it really is something special. I have never once questioned if I am loved. My parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and even cousins, have been such amazing examples of Godly relationships and have instilled the importance of my relationship with Jesus and having values and sticking to them, but also loving and accepting others. I am so thankful for the stability they have placed in my life, and yet, all the goofiness and laughter that has been shared throughout the years. I am so thankful for each and everyone of you and wouldn't want to be apart of any other family, ever. 

How is that for a sappy and sentimental thankful post? :) 

PS-Chelsea, we have ZERO pictures together :( Neither do a lot of my texas friends. :(

PSS-sorry for the cheesy photo collages, but blogger makes its super difficult to add photos to a post without it looking messy