Lately, I can barely read my Facebook newsfeed or articles without feeling sick or angry, because the things people are saying are so incredibly mean. And it really doesn't matter how mean it is, if its leaned to the "side we agree with" whether Christian or Anti-Christian, its going to get likes, or people whooping and saying how proud they are of them standing up for what they believe in.
I am a sinner. I sin all the time. Why am I not blasted for it in the media or turned away from the church doors? Is it because I'm not gay and my sins "aren't quite as bad", or aren't making you quite as uncomfortable? The last time I checked all sins are equal, but it sure doesn't seem like other sin problems are getting the hate and judgement that it's getting, and I'm so over it.
Freedom of speech? Sure, we have it. But saying mean and hateful things aren't making any kind of positive impact. We could be making such a difference, but instead we "love the sinner and hate the sin" which is a fancier, nicer way of saying we don't really want anything to do with you, but out of biblical obligation I love you. People are leaving Christianity by the droves....and why? Jesus is supposed to equal love. But all people can see is hate and hypocrisy...and how is that any different from anything/one else?
Comparing an alcoholic or drug user to a homosexual and also that your wife's brother's son is gay and he's your friend is not making the rest of what you are saying any less cruel. Struggling alcoholics and addicts are widely accepted and aren't questioned about their status as a Christian. But the minute a church starts opening the doors to homosexuals people start getting crazy. We can accept ex-pastors (and we should accept them!) who have affairs, ruin marriages, and shake up a church body or steal money from their congregation, but yet we can't accept letting someone who feels different into our building, which is where they need to be in the first place? Why are we so hypocritical and conditional with our acceptance and judgements? If the Bible were written in current times, I truly believe many of us would be shocked to see where Jesus would be. Instead of coming to eat lunch at my table, I think he would be out comforting all of those I've made feel inferior to the point of suicidal thoughts and worthlessness with my passing judgements. I also think many times I would have been grouped with the Pharisees instead of the true followers of Christ.
Yes, we are also being attacked daily, and its just as unfair, but so many lost people are ending their lives because instead of loving them where they are, we are shaming them and hating them and making them feel like outsiders....and they don't have the hope of Jesus, or the guarantee of Heaven after its said and done. Many of the disciples lost their lives preaching and teaching Christianity when like now, it was widely unpopular and constantly slandered. Likewise if we truly believe what we profess to believe, then it doesn't matter what anything or anyone says about us, because we know where we are going and that no matter what lies are spewed, Jesus is the same, always.
I've been battling for years, and even questioning my faith, because I haven't been able to accept the fact that saying something mean in Jesus' name is okay. I've felt like I wasn't a good Christian because I was ashamed to read the articles and statuses that were saying awful, ignorant things about some of my close friends, without knowing what they are truly going through. I've felt like I wasn't a real "Christian" because I was angry when reading these things and knowing these things are what's keeping my friends from believing and accepting Jesus for themselves. Even church, something that used to be so refreshing and vital, has become less enjoyable and obligatory. If I wasn't fortunate enough to have the positive influences in my life, and know that many "public christians" aren't a true representation, I'm not sure that I would be a follower of Christ today.
Starting now, I refuse to believe these things anymore. I believe in Jesus. I believe that he died on the cross for the sins of the entire world no matter how "big or little" those sins may be. My faith and my beliefs are 100% my own, and no one else's. I believe the importance of sharing Jesus' unconditional love and forgiveness, over sharing my own intolerance. I believe that I can have a different opinion or belief about something, but still be loving and kind. I am thankful that no matter the mistakes, the bad choices, or the sin, I am loved by the King. Nothing I do can change that, and most importantly that's what I want to spread.
There will be times, when you are the only Christian that someone has been around, and as scary as that is, its such a reminder that the things we say, the way we act, and the way we treat others is so very important.
Starting now, I refuse to believe these things anymore. I believe in Jesus. I believe that he died on the cross for the sins of the entire world no matter how "big or little" those sins may be. My faith and my beliefs are 100% my own, and no one else's. I believe the importance of sharing Jesus' unconditional love and forgiveness, over sharing my own intolerance. I believe that I can have a different opinion or belief about something, but still be loving and kind. I am thankful that no matter the mistakes, the bad choices, or the sin, I am loved by the King. Nothing I do can change that, and most importantly that's what I want to spread.
There will be times, when you are the only Christian that someone has been around, and as scary as that is, its such a reminder that the things we say, the way we act, and the way we treat others is so very important.
We should defend our faith, and we have the freedom to do so, but we are also commanded to love one another.
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